February 17 @ 10:00 am - June 13 @ 3:00 pm

The Tribal Tennis February H/T camps is for players aged 6-11 years old. We will be running a 1 week camp running from Monday 17th February until Friday 21st Ferbruary.
We are running our NEW full day camps running from 10:00-15:00.
Our team of vibrant, energetic and friendly coaches will deliver fun and exciting lessons with the skills and techniques your children will need to become better players.
Full day sessions cost £70 per day. The first 2 hour will consist of tennis based skill games and tennis, followed by an hour lunch off court with games and the 2 hours of tennis based games and matchplay.
Half day Sessions cost £30 per session. The first hour of the session is focused on tennis drills and skills practise, then there is a short break followed by tennis games and matchplay.
All sessions will be led by a qualified coach who has a DBS, first aid certificate and has completed a child protection course.
February H/T camps
Ligers (6-8 years)
Panthers (9-11 years)
Half day 10:00-12:00 – £30
Half day 13:00-15:00 – £30
Full Day 10:00-15:00 – £70
To register your child, click on the links below: –
Panther Bookings Ligers BookingsFor more information about our camps get in touch with Charlie on charlie@tribaltennis.co.uk