The Tribes

Tiger, Leopard, Panther

Our coaches and session content will be adapted to the ability and needs of each individual tennis session. However, we have certain tried and proven objectives for each age group that focuses the coaches content and best develops the skills of the children. Please scroll through all three tribes to see how our program progresses as the children move through the tribes.

Tiger Tribe Logo

The Tiger Tribe

The Tiger Tribe introduces 6-7 year olds to the fundamentals of the tennis. We create an inclusive Tribal atmosphere in all our sessions which encourages the players to work with each other every lesson. The children will begin to understand the relationship between their bodies, their movement, the racket and the effect this has when striking the ball. In this age group the children will begin to learn how to reflect on their own training and learn from this. See below for the technical objectives we have for the groundstrokes and Volley, and the tactical objectives for the basic forms of competition that we begin to introduce them too.

Ground Strokes

  • Making sure the players are contacting the ball out in-front of their body and out to the side of their head.
  • Building the habit of not swinging back or through the ball. Then linking this into the movement forward through the ball.
  • Stepping forward with the correct foot whilst making contact with the ball and generating the power through this action.


Leopard Tribe logo

The Leopard Tribe

The Leopard Tribe builds on the 8-9 year olds technical foundations whilst introducing the serve and prepares the children for competitive games. We create an inclusive Tribal atmosphere in all our sessions which encourages the players to work with each other every lesson. As the information our coaches give to the children becomes more specific and technical, we try to teach them to implement first time listening and tribal teaching. They should begin to use all the information they hear from their coaches and share it with the Tribal community. See below for the technical objectives we have for the groundstrokes, Volley and serve. As well as, the tactical objectives for the basic forms of match play that we begin to introduce them too.

Ground Strokes

  • Starting to ensure the players turn their upper bodies whilst maintaining a neutral swing
  • Building in the tactical understanding of the volley and the technical points of linking with the groundstrokes.



Panther Tribe logo

The Panther Tribe

The Panther Tribe advances the 10-11 year olds tennis to the point where those who have just picked up a racket or been with us since they were a Tiger can compete with their friends. We create an inclusive Tribal atmosphere in all our sessions which encourages the players to work with each other every lesson. At this age, we try to encourage the children to learn through collaboration with their friends. Whilst also setting themselves goals and learning objectives to motivate their learning throughout the term. The children will begin to understand how to incorporate direction, power and spin into their tennis. See below for the technical objectives we have for the groundstrokes, Volley and serve. As well as, the tactical objectives for the forms of match play that we begin to introduce them too.


Ground Strokes
  • As we push the boundaries of our groundstrokes we need to begin to add spin to the ball. The spin will allow players to hit the ball harder and add another dimension to their games.
  • As we get older and play on bigger courts with players who are more adept at moving the ball side to side we need to advance our movement skills. So we develop the cross step and the split step.
  • As the players get older the courts get bigger and they begin to use power and depth as a tactic. Working on the racket head speed and using the body to generate power are important parts of this.


